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Do you know what January is?

It’s likely that you already know that January is Human Trafficking Awareness Month, or have gotten a few emails about it, or peeked it on social media.

But there may be some things about human trafficking that would surprise you.


Learn more by joining our EMPOWER HOUR via ZOOM 10:00am, SATURDAY, JANUARY 21st “Tagged for Trafficking and Other Myths” * You will find answers to questions like: What does it mean "to be marked for sex trafficking"? * How to know if it's real or a sensationalist message? * What are the indicators and what to do?


When you think about “human trafficking”, what comes first to your mind? Is it images from movies, shows, or the news? Is it prostitutes standing in slimy alleyways, or a child getting snatched from a playground? Or is it pimps sneaking teenage girls into the country to work in a brothel?

It can be all of that, and much more. Complicated, right? Well, maybe not…

The United Nations, Department of Justice, and the Department of Homeland security all have definitions on their websites that can actually all be boiled down quite clearly:


Human trafficking is a crime of exploitation.

It is the exploitation of one person by another for financial or personal gain.

And all trafficking victims share one essential experience: their loss of freedom.


To me, human trafficking is a lot like a virus. It preys on the vulnerable, regardless of where they are or who they are. And it’s here; in our cities, our communities, and even our homes.

And like a virus, there is no antibiotic or quick fix. But a vaccine may help!

The vaccine of awareness, education, training, and accurate information—all of it increases our immunity against the virus of human trafficking.

Vaccines work best when we all have it. It may not prevent it from showing up (somewhere), but the vaccine will weaken the spread and disrupt its passing to others.

When I think about what can be done about this viral crime against humanity, I think about the vulnerable at risk, and what their vulnerabilities are, or where they came from. Because I believe that the solution to human trafficking is ending those vulnerabilities.

And this is why I am so proud to be working with i-5 Freedom Network: Our mission is to provide the training, education and tools to eliminate the vulnerabilities to human trafficking in our communities, whether to stop it before it happens, or to prevent it from happening again.


The training, tools and programs from i-5 Freedom Network are creating

stronger communities, greater awareness, safer cities,

and—most importantly—empowered people.


Although it’s never an easy subject, having conversations about Human Trafficking is so important, because the more conversations we have about it, the more people are aware, and the more we can work together to end human trafficking once and for all.

In gratefulness and freedom,

As always, our impact is made possible by your generosity and support. We couldn’t do what we do with out it, and it’s thanks to you and your generous support that keeps us moving forward. Every dollar makes a difference!

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