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Little actions add up to big impact: Making a difference on World Day Against Trafficking in Persons

Writer's picture: Brenda WellsBrenda Wells

How do you change the current of a river? One rock at a time. Each time a rock is moved or reoriented, the shift of the water flowing over it may not be noticed, it may even seem pointless. But over time, with every rock realigning, the current will change, the flow will shift, the river will be redefined.

This is true with human behavior as well. It may not feel like what we do matters. One vote won't make a difference, right? No one will notice or care if I throw a cigarette butt on the beach or sidewalk. Ask anyone who has lost an election or is part of a beach cleanup if it matters.

When it comes to ending human trafficking, small actions really do make a difference. The collective impact of each and every action is the only thing that will make a difference. It is such a vast and heartbreaking reality that only when we act together can we change the current of trafficking, one rock at a time. You are that rock, your friends, your colleagues, your family, your purchases, your choices, they are all rocks capable of moving the river when working together.

On this World Day Against Trafficking in Persons, here are 5 ways to move a rock:

  1. Know the signs, know the number

  2. Get educated: Take informed action

  3. Be accountable: Sign The Pledge

  4. Spread the word: Host an online education session

  5. Get bought-in: Make good consumer-conscience choices

Know the signs, know the number:

The National Human Trafficking Hotline (888-3737-888) is operated 24/7 and in multiple languages. It is for victims and community members alike to report concerns. Don't be afraid to call. Because, what if you were right? She was too young, and not related to that guy but called him daddy, and seemed uncomfortable, and avoided eye-contact. Make the call.

Get educated: Take informed action

Reading our blog is a great place to start. Think legalizing prostitution is a good idea? Read the stats to form an educated position. Think human trafficking is only about sex trafficking? Go the Polaris Project to learn the reality about the tragedy of labor trafficking and the significant role the US plays in its perpetuation. There are many false claims and dramatized stories that may lead you to make a hasty decision, putting yourself or others in danger. Do your research.

Be accountable: Sign The Pledge

Or a petition, to end reckless profiteering corporate practices. Let companies like Amazon, Google, and Wyndham Hotels know they have a responsibility to not enable the exploitation of children

Spread the word: Host an online education session with us

One of the best ways to rearrange rocks efficiently is to group educate. Our awareness approach is to answer the questions of those in the (virtual) room in order to equip and inspire attendees to action. It is an online Empower Hour, or a Sip-n-Save-the-World gathering if you will, by providing knowledge and action opportunities to be a part of the solution. And afterward hopefully they tell 5 friends, and then they tell 5 friends. Suddenly, we are moving a bunch of rocks, they are part of the movement...Reach out to us here to inquire or schedule.

Get buy-in: Make good consumer-conscience choices

Fast fashion, personal tech devices, shrimp, young people selling magazines door to door: These are all known labor trafficking industries. When you purchase these items you may be contributing to enduring child labor practices. Do your due diligence and research the supply chain.

Have more time than money? Get involved. We can help connect your passion to serve the cause with an appropriate reputable organization, or volunteer with us!

Have more money than time? Join The Network as a sustaining member to ensure we can continue to bring life skills to survivors and awareness to you and your circle of influence.

Simply have a lot of friends? Sign those petitions, and set up a virtual social hour!

The i-5 is committed to providing the tools and knowledge needed to take informed action, to help in a way that is truly productive, survivor-informed, and within reach of the average activist - all while staying self-isolated. Let the river come to you

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